Sunday, October 11, 2009

6 Months

Well, almost 7 actually, but I did not give you the 6 month update. Brady did great at his 6 month check-up. There were tons of sick children there, but luckily he was all well. He took his shots like a champ while reading the book that the Dr. had given him. He was 19 1/2 pounds and 27 inches. He has really slowed down on his growth, but is still in the 75th percentile. He can sit up all by himself and is starting to crawl. He can army crawl just about anywhere he wants to go and is working on coordinating crawling on all fours. He still just has the four teeth, but I am guessing there are more on the way with the copious amounts of drool and chewing that are going on! He eats anything and everything but has become partial to applesauce. I just buy the big jar at the store and don't mess with buying babyfood applesauce. All-in-all he is doing great and we are having a lot of fun with him right now.

A couple of weekends ago we celebrated Brittany's birthday here in Abilene so most of our college group was in town. It was fun to see Brady and Crawford together, we missed Coleman though. Crawford was absolutely precious! It was also good to see everyone else. I have such a great group of friends. I have no idea what my life would possibly be like without them. Even when I am feeling aweful, they make me laugh. Thanks girls!

This past week we went to Houston for Texas Association of School Psychologists conference. I am on the board so I had to be there early to help get everything ready. Since Brady is not weaned, he got to come too. Lindsey came with us and was an absolute life saver. I really enjoy going to the conference every year, but when you are working it, it can be even more fun, but also more demanding and tiring. Ultimately we did have a great time. We used Brady behind the registration table at times so that people wouldn't get ugly. You can't be ugly around a baby. He was like our mascot for the week. We should have made him a TASP onesie. Ultimately it was Lindsey though that took care of him all week. I was only there for some feeding purposes. They had a good time, as always. She even got him and Ty(her baby boy to be) matching outfits. She is such a good aunt and will be an even better mom.

Next week is ACU's homecoming, so there will be family in for that weekend. I myself will not be attending my club breakfast, but they are going to theirs. It is just too early for me to be social. We may take Brady to the parade though so maybe we will see some old friends there.

"Mom, Dad and I are talking right now. Do you mind?"

so sweet

Tub Time